In this informative Podcast Series, I interview leading experts from across the globe about a range of fertility issues from miscarriage and diminished ovarian reserve to stress, endometriosis, egg freezing, donor conception, surrogacy and more.
The PCOS Diet
In this episode I speak with Women's Health Dietitian, Stephanie Valakas. We discuss the most common hormonal disorder found in women, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS as it’s most commonly known. PCOS affects around 10% of women in Australia and can have a significant impact on fertility and our ability to fall pregnant. We discuss symptoms and diagnosis, but most importantly in the episode we do a deep dive into diet and [...]
Egg Freezing – what you need to know with Dr Lynn Burmeister
In this episode I speak with renowned Melbourne Fertility Specialists, Dr Lynn Burmeister about a very topical issue. One which is growing rapidly. And that’s egg freezing. More and more women are turning to egg freezing as an 'insurance policy', if they haven’t met Mr Right or are just not ready for a baby right now, but know it’s something they want in their future. But how much of a guarantee of a [...]
Fertility Fundamentals With Gina Fox
Whether you are going through IVF, struggling with infertility or just wanting to prepare for a healthy pregnancy in this episode we talk about the fundamental things you need to know about your diet and lifestyle that will have a significant impact on your ability to conceive; on your ability to carry a healthy pregnancy and on the long term health of your future baby. It is in this precious preconception period that [...]
Fertility and your Vaginal Microbiome
In this episode I speak with Moira Bradfield who is currently completing PhD research into the vaginal microbiome. Moira will be providing her insights into the role of the vaginal microbiome in fertility as well as practical tips and advice to help you support a healthy vaginal environment to improve your chances of conceiving and carrying your healthy baby. We cover topics including * what is a microbiome? * how our vaginal microbiome [...]
Fertility Fest
In this episode of the Conceive Baby Podcast we talk about fertility, as always, but from a different perspective. We discuss a wonderful, collaborative, celebratory event, which is on a mission to change the conversation around fertility and infertility – Fertility Fest. I speak with inspiring founder Jessica Hepburn who shares with us her personal journey, as well as insights into the evolution of Fertility Fest and what you can expect at this [...]
The impact of diet on the uterine environment with Dr Jemma Evans
In this episode I speak with Dr Jemma Evans about the impact of your diet on the most important and amazing organ when it comes to fertility, and that’s the uterus. We hear a lot these days about egg health in relation to fertility, which is obviously super important but there is another important player and that’s your baby’s first home. The place where this tiny fertilised egg will have the opportunity to [...]
Conceiving with donor eggs with Dr Raelia Lew
In this episode of the Conceive Baby Webinar Series we discuss a very topical issue in fertility, and that's donor conception. We now not only have donor sperm, we also have donor eggs and donor embryos. In a previous episode I spoke with Louise Johnson and Karin Hammarberg from the Government Body VARTA about the legalities and your rights and options around donor conception and today we're going to discuss the actual process. [...]
The role of male preconception health with Dr Adam Watkins
In this episode of the Conceive Baby Podcast Series we talk about a topic which, historically, hasn’t received that much attention. Infertility has, for a long time, focused largely on the female. So in this webinar we turn the tide and look at the impact of male preconception health. Assistant Professor of Reproductive Biology, Dr Adam Watkins provide his personal insights into his new research, focusing on the role of sperm in a [...]
Egg freezing myths and facts with Dr Julie Lamb
Egg freezing is a hot topic. Whether it be for IVF treatment or social reason, there are many myths surrounding the process. In this informative webinar I speak with board certified reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist Dr Julie Lamb, who will bust the myths and give us the facts you need to know. Julie Lamb, MD, FACOG a specialist at Pacific NW Fertility in Seattle and also serves as clinical faculty at the [...]
Infection and fertility with Elizabeth Mucci
In this episode I speak with Elizabeth Mucci about the impact of infections on fertility. We discuss the role of infections in unexplained infertility, the immune system, natural killer cells as well as investigations, tests and treatment strategies. Elizabeth Mucci is a scientist, nutritionist and herbalist with a Masters in Reproductive Medicine and over 18 years experience as a clinician and teacher. Elizabeth has helped thousands of patients start their families, manage chronic [...]
Is sugar affecting your fertility? with Associate Professor Louise Hull
Most of us know that too much sugar is generally not great for us. We shouldn't be eating too many cakes and lollies because it contributes to weight gain and inflammation. In this webinar, we look beyond the diet. Beyond the calories and find out what sugar is actually doing to our cells at a biological level and how that impacts our ability to conceive and carry a healthy baby. I speak with [...]
IVF Explained with Prof Michael Chapman
In this podcast I speak with one of Australia’s most highly respected fertility specialists, Professor Michael Chapman. Dr Chapman is the co-founder of IVF Australia. He is a busy clinician who has personally been involved in fertility care resulting in over 3000 pregnancies. His academic position enables him to be at the forefront of new advances in treatment which he applies in his practice at the earliest opportunity. He has a high public [...]
Fertility and the immune system with Professor Sarah Robertson
In this informative episode I speak with Professor Sarah Robertson, Director of the University of Adelaide’s Robinson Research Institute and Head of the Reproductive Immunology research group about her fascinating research into fertility and the immune system. We discuss the role of the immune system in successful reproductive outcomes as well as the contentious issue of natural killer cells and why current popular treatment may do more harm than good! You will also [...]
Finding meaning in infertility with Jessica Hepburn
What an amazing discussion. It was such a pleasure to speak with Jessica Hepburn, one of the leading patient voices on fertility, infertility and assisted conception. Jessica has also just been named Woman of the Week in Stylist Magazines Visible Woman Series. A year long celebration of women who are making a difference to society. Jessica joined us live from London and shared her very personal journey through infertility, miscarriage and IVF to [...]
Overcoming Endometriosis with Leah Hectman
In this episode of the Conceive Baby Podcast I discuss one of the most common conditions affecting women’s reproductive health – Endometriosis. Endometriosis is a complex condition and medical treatments are limited. This is where natural medicine comes in. There are many factors involved in endometriosis, which can be successfully treated and overcome to reduce symptoms and improve fertility and pregnancy outcomes. In this episode I discuss these factors, diagnostic tests and natural [...]