Episode Summary:

In the first episode of the Conceive Baby Podcast for 2025, I am joined by the wonderful Tracey Anderson Askew, a distinguished educator in breathing retraining and parenting, who sheds light on a fundamental yet overlooked aspect of our physiology—breathing. Together we explore how intentional breathing techniques can alleviate stress, lower cortisol levels and boost blood flow, which can ultimately enhance fertility and overall reproductive health.

We discuss the connection between breath and the nervous system, revealing how different breathing patterns affect us both physically and emotionally. Tracey introduces practical strategies to combat over-breathing—a common yet misunderstood practice and distinguishes between typical breathwork and breathing retraining.  Her practical advice will be a game-changer if you’re struggling to fall pregnant.

Tracey Anderson Askew is a seasoned teacher, hypnotherapist, breathing retrainer, and educator specialising in childbirth and parenting. She is the director of Transform Parenting and the former director of the Better Breathing Centre in Canberra. With over two decades of experience, Tracey has assisted more than 6,000 new parents with her face-to-face and online workshops. As a mother of four, she combines her vast knowledge and personal insights to guide families through pregnancy and early parenting. Her expertise in breathing retraining aims to enhance physiological wellness and subsequently, reproductive health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Breathing is a powerful, free resource that plays a critical role in managing stress and supporting fertility.
  • Breathing retraining helps to optimise oxygen utilisation and reduce stress.
  • Nose breathing and maintaining an upright posture are cornerstones of optimal breathing habits.
  • Over-breathing can lead to lower CO2 levels, impacting the body’s ability to utilise oxygen effectively.
  • Simple changes in breathing technique can significantly influence physiological states and promote both relaxation and reproductive health.



Notable Quotes:

  1. “The pathway to the deep relaxation response, or one of the most direct pathways, is the breath.”
  2. “The opposite to the stress response is what’s called the deep relaxation response.”
  3. “The myth is that CO2 is just a waste gas. No, it’s actually vital for oxygenation processes.”
  4. “Nose breathing is generally much calmer and signals to the body that you’re not being chased by a tiger.”
  5. “When you’re stressed, you get dumber because you can’t access your whole brain.”



Mentioned in this episode:

FREE Guide – The 5 Game Changing Supplements Reversing the Impact of Aging on Fertility

FREE Guide – The 5 Game Changing Supplements Reversing the Impact of Aging on Fertility

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